A Message from FANs President Marilynne Keyser
February 10, 2025
February 10, 2025
Greetings FANs members and friends.
Many of you are wondering what is happening with Friends and Neighbors of the Deschutes Canyon Area (FANs) since we discontinued our Lens on Learning programs and our guided hikes last fall. I want to keep you all fully informed.
On December 1, 2024, you received a letter from former FANs President Robin Galloway in response to the results of the member survey we sent out last fall. She explained that our current leadership team members, many who have been involved since FANs’ 2010 beginnings, are now in their 70s and ready to retire. However, no one who responded to the survey expressed an interest in joining the board of directors.
On January 15, 2025, FANs’ board elected me and stewardship coordinator Jeff Scheetz to the board of directors. I was also re-elected president of the board. Our board is working on a plan to dissolve FANs and transfer our assets to another 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization by September 30, 2025, the end of our fiscal year.
The board’s highest priority is finding another organization that will focus on FANs’ stewardship priorities for the high desert of the Middle Deschutes and Lower Crooked Rivers. Several board members are currently in the process of meeting with senior staff of the Oregon Natural Desert Association (ONDA): Ryan Houston, executive director, and Gena Goodman-Campbell, stewardship director. Jeff Scheetz has prepared a list of FANs’ priorities for BLM-managed land around Crooked River Ranch which we have shared with ONDA and the BLM. At a meeting on February 4, 2025, we received assurance that our highest priority projects would be incorporated into ONDA’s future stewardship plans.
Although no final decision has been made, we are in the process of disposing of FANs’ non-financial assets, including stewardship tools and equipment, birding binoculars and scopes, and electronics. These are being given to appropriate stewardship volunteers and other nonprofits. Any members who donated equipment or other materials to FANs are welcome to recover them.
We are planning a final FANs party on May 17, 2025, at MacPherson Park and Pavilion at Crooked River Ranch. We will be giving away FANs shirts, hats, pins and tick keys, and selling our three field guides at half price. Put the date on your calendar now and plan to join us for a day of reminiscing, laughter and, possibly, some tears!
With deepest thanks,
Marilynne Keyser, President
Our Mission:
Located in the high desert of Central Oregon, "FANs" works to preserve and restore the wild landscapes of the middle Deschutes and lower Crooked Rivers and Lower Whychus Creek through advocacy, stewardship and education.
To understand just how special this area is, please watch and listen to the video Canyon Light, created by Tom Iraci. |
All FANs Field Guides now 50% off Get to know our native plants and birds with FANs Field Guides These sturdy pocket-sized full-color books are the perfect hiking companions for nature lovers exploring our sagebrush plateau and river canyons. Written by FANs members Marilynne Keyser, Chuck Gates and Penny Radtke, our field guides make great gifts and support our mission. Click HERE to purchase. Good plant or bad plant?
Get help identifying the good, the bad, and the invasive with FANs' Guide to Common Weeds of the Deschutes Canyon Area. |
![]() FANs names Barbara Sutton 2024 Volunteer of the Year
Barbara Sutton was recognized recently as FANs' 2024 volunteer of the year. Barbara's willingness to help out in numerous ways—from staffing event booths, selling FANs merchandise, and assisting with weed consultations, to picking up the mail—has been an invaluable asset to our leadership team. Thank you, Barbara!
Map of the Deschutes and Crooked Rivers canyon areas (click image for larger view):
Click on the video below to view our wild and scenic landscapes and see some of the projects and events our members participate in to preserve and protect this beautiful area.
Video courtesy of FANs member Tom Iraci.
Video courtesy of FANs member Tom Iraci.

FANs receives national award from BLM
In 2023, Friends and Neighbors of the Deschutes Canyon Area (FANs) was selected by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as one of only nine volunteer organizations in the United States to receive the national “Making a Difference” award.
FANS is an all-volunteer non-profit organization founded in 2012. Our mission is “to preserve and restore the wild landscapes of the middle Deschutes and lower Crooked Rivers and lower Wychus Creek through advocacy, stewardship and education.
FANs is proud that our work has received national recognition and is grateful to our volunteers and members for their dedication to our continuing mission.
In 2023, Friends and Neighbors of the Deschutes Canyon Area (FANs) was selected by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as one of only nine volunteer organizations in the United States to receive the national “Making a Difference” award.
FANS is an all-volunteer non-profit organization founded in 2012. Our mission is “to preserve and restore the wild landscapes of the middle Deschutes and lower Crooked Rivers and lower Wychus Creek through advocacy, stewardship and education.
FANs is proud that our work has received national recognition and is grateful to our volunteers and members for their dedication to our continuing mission.

FANs Joins CLF Campaign to Respect. Connect. Protect.
Friends and Neighbors of the Deschutes Canyon Area is pleased to be associated with the Conservation Lands Foundation (CLF).
CLF is a national movement of community-based advocates dedicated to protecting America’s National Conservation Lands on the ground, in the courts and in the halls of Congress, now-and for generations to come.
A major effort for FANs members is to steward our local public lands. From trail maintenance to trash pickup, our members work hard to preserve the natural beauty of our area. We are proud to be a part of the Conservation Lands Foundation and are grateful for their generous support through grants and resources that allow us to continue to protect, promote and maintain our precious public lands.
Friends and Neighbors of the Deschutes Canyon Area is pleased to be associated with the Conservation Lands Foundation (CLF).
CLF is a national movement of community-based advocates dedicated to protecting America’s National Conservation Lands on the ground, in the courts and in the halls of Congress, now-and for generations to come.
A major effort for FANs members is to steward our local public lands. From trail maintenance to trash pickup, our members work hard to preserve the natural beauty of our area. We are proud to be a part of the Conservation Lands Foundation and are grateful for their generous support through grants and resources that allow us to continue to protect, promote and maintain our precious public lands.

Friends and Neighbors of the Deschutes Canyon Area
[email protected]
P.O. Box 2127, Terrebonne, OR 97760
[email protected]
P.O. Box 2127, Terrebonne, OR 97760